import bpy # Set these to False if you don't want to key that property. KEYFRAME_LOCATION = True KEYFRAME_ROTATION = True KEYFRAME_SCALE = True KEYFRAME_VISIBILITY = False # Viewport and render visibility. KEYFRAME_VISIBILITY_SCALE = True def create_objects_for_particles(ps, obj): # Duplicate the given object for every particle and return the duplicates. # Use instances instead of full copies. obj_list = [] mesh = obj.data particles_coll = bpy.data.collections.new(name="particles") bpy.context.scene.collection.children.link(particles_coll) for i, _ in enumerate(ps.particles): dupli = bpy.data.objects.new( name="particle.{:03d}".format(i), object_data=mesh) particles_coll.objects.link(dupli) obj_list.append(dupli) return obj_list def match_and_keyframe_objects(ps, obj_list, start_frame, end_frame): # Match and keyframe the objects to the particles for every frame in the # given range. for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame + 1): print("frame {} processed".format(frame)) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame) for p, obj in zip(ps.particles, obj_list): match_object_to_particle(p, obj) keyframe_obj(obj) def match_object_to_particle(p, obj): # Match the location, rotation, scale and visibility of the object to # the particle. loc = p.location rot = p.rotation size = p.size if p.alive_state == 'ALIVE': vis = True else: vis = False obj.location = loc # Set rotation mode to quaternion to match particle rotation. obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' obj.rotation_quaternion = rot if KEYFRAME_VISIBILITY_SCALE: if vis: obj.scale = (size, size, size) if not vis: obj.scale = (0.001, 0.001, 0.001) obj.hide_viewport = not(vis) obj.hide_render = not(vis) def keyframe_obj(obj): # Keyframe location, rotation, scale and visibility if specified. if KEYFRAME_LOCATION: obj.keyframe_insert("location") if KEYFRAME_ROTATION: obj.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion") if KEYFRAME_SCALE: obj.keyframe_insert("scale") if KEYFRAME_VISIBILITY: obj.keyframe_insert("hide_viewport") obj.keyframe_insert("hide_render") def main(): #in 2.8 you need to evaluate the Dependency graph in order to get data from animation, modifiers, etc depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() # Assume only 2 objects are selected. # The active object should be the one with the particle system. ps_obj = bpy.context.object ps_obj_evaluated = depsgraph.objects[ ps_obj.name ] obj = [obj for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects if obj != ps_obj][0] for psy in ps_obj_evaluated.particle_systems: ps = psy # Assume only 1 particle system is present. start_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_start end_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_end obj_list = create_objects_for_particles(ps, obj) match_and_keyframe_objects(ps, obj_list, start_frame, end_frame) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Filter > Restriction Toggles > Togglesでスクリーンアイコン「Global Viewport Visibility(全体的にビューポートでの可視性)」をオンにしてください。
生成されたParticleコレクション内のオブジェクトを全てのスクリーンアイコン「Global Viewport Visibility(全体的にビューポートでの可視性)」をオンにしてください。
File > Export > glTF2.0 よりエクスポートしてください。